Sunday, February 28, 2010

March is here!

With a full week of school under our belt again we're all in the swing of things at school! With March starting we'll start learning about dinosaurs, the letter D, and the number 5. Much to learn about as we start a new month in school!

Last week we learned how magnifying glasses worked and magnetic forces and what magnets are attracted to and what they aren't attracted to. We played games such as the Farm game where you need to match the mommy and the baby animal, color dominoes and a memory concentration game. There's so much to be learned with playing games! It's such a fun way to learn to take turns, learn the skill involved in the game and to be happy for your friends when they are successful! There are so many preschool games available and if you have a chance on the weekend....take out a game and play it with your family and enjoy!

We read about fire fighters and policeman and how they can help us and what they do in their job. The bookmobile did come to our school on Friday but they didn't stay the entire time so some of our students didn't get to visit and pick out books. They will be coming again this month so we'll be sure to give all the children a chance to visit.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snow Days continued!

With more snow days this week, we did get to school on Thursday and we finally celebrated Valentine's Day! If your child missed school on Thursday they are welcome to bring in their valentine's cards for their friends this week and we'll make sure they are delivered! With the lack of school days last week we will continue with the letter V, the number 4 and we will move onto learning about fireman, policeman and the EMS. We touched on this in the fall and this will be a brief review for them.

The dental hygientists did get to come into school on Thursday and we will be sending home her screening assessment for your child this week. Nurse Karla will be doing her vision and hearing screeenings on Tuesday of this week. I've also extended our book order deadline so you can still send those in this week and I'll turn it into Scholastic Books on Friday so feel free to send those in any day this week.

The Green Room will be swimming on Wednesday this week and Christy will be sending home reminders on Tuesday. The bookmobile is coming on Thursday so we'll be able to make some new books selections then and our students will get a chance to visit the library on wheels!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wintery Week in Pickaway County

What a week it's been with the snow and the wind! I'm so sorry that the Red Room missed their swimming time this week and both classes missed their Valentine's Party. We will have our Valentine's Party on Tuesday this week since we have Monday off for President's Day. Please send in your valentine cards with your child that day and we'll have our party in the afternoon.

We will stick with our letter V this week and the number 4 since we only had a day of studying it last week! We will continue on our theme of friendship and how to play with our friends. Here are some events that are coming up this month:
  • Nurse Karla will be completing our vision and hearing tests with our students this week.
  • Thursday, February 18th we'll have our dental hygientists come in and talk with both rooms about good dental health and they will be doing dental screenings.
  • Your Scholastic book orders are also due on that day February 18th.
  • The Green room will be swimming on Wednesday, February 24th.
  • The bookmobile will be here on Thursday, February 25th.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine's Day and friendship

Our Valentine's Day party will be this Thursday at 2:00. We sent home a list of students and staff if your child would like to make valentines to share with their friends. We will be busy making valentine's boxes to house all of our cards and goodies this week! Please let Christy and I know if you need any more information about the party!

The Red Room will be jumping into the water this Wednesday and I'll send home a reminder about that tomorrow. Please send in your child's swim suit, towel and swimmers so we can have fun in the water! I have all of your permission slips and thanks for sending those in so quickly!

The Red Room watched a video on using your words to solve problems and to ask questions before you get mad. We watched several children playing and saw how to solve problems that come up in everyday life. The Green Room will be watching them this week. The video is from the Get Along Monsters Series and I borrowed if from the library and it's titled, 5 Ways to Work Things Out. The children enjoyed watching other children working things out and we will continue to talk about how to solve problems as they arise!

Next Monday is President's Day and we won't have school that day.