Friday, April 23, 2010

Learning about the Zoo

This week we'll be starting our new unit on the Zoo. We'll look at all aspects of the zoo from what we can expect to see during our visit to naming all the animals that we know to learning many new animals to learning what a zoo keeper does. We'll start studying about animals and their habitats and it will be great fun to finish up our unit with the visit to the Columbus Zoo on May 12th. We'll be sending out permission slips for the trip within the next week and please join us for this trip as it's always an enjoyable day with a lot to see! We pack a lunch and spend the whole day there and we'd love for you to join us!

We will move onto the number 11 this week and the letter Ww. We have been enjoying our playground in the afternoons and will continue to go outside to play on good weather days. We will also be playing some fun group games in the gym such as Red Light, Green Light, running races and playing with the parachute.

Dates to remember:
  • Wednesday, April 28th-the Green room will be swimming.
  • Thursday, April 29th-the Bookmobile will be visiting our school.
  • Wednesday, May 12th-Zoo fieldtrip. Please join us if you can!
  • Tuesday, May 18th-Zoo fieldtrip rain date.
  • Thursday, May 20th-The last IEP progress reports will be sent home.
  • Tuesday, May 25th-Preschool Celebration at Brooks-Yates at 1:00. Please join us for this event!
  • Wednesday, May 26th-All school swim at the YMCA and a picnic at the Mary Virginia Crites-Hannan Park. Please join us if you can for swimming and a picnic at the park!
  • Thursday, May 27th-Last day of school.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April Events

We started learning about transportation last week and we'll continue this week. Last week we learned about the letter N and this week we'll learn about the letter Q. We finished up last week with the number ten and this week we'll review the numbers one through ten before moving onto eleven next week.

Dates to remember:
  • Wednesday, April 28th, the green room will be swimming.
  • Monday, April 26th, we'll start our new unit on the Zoo.
  • Thursday, April 29, the bookmobile will be coming to school from 1:00-2:00.
  • Wednesday, May 12th we'll go on a fieldtrip to the Zoo.
  • Thursday, May, 20th the last IEP progress reports will be sent home.
  • Tuesday, May 25th, we will hold our Preschool Celebration at 1:00 and we will be sending out invitations.
  • Wednesday, May 27th will be our last swimming day. The whole school will go swimming and we will have a picnic afterwards at the Mary Virginia Crites-Hannan Park on 188. Please save that date as we would love for you to join us!
  • Thursday, May 27th, will be the last day of school for this school year.