Friday, May 27, 2011


To all of our wonderful parents!

Thank you for entrusting your precious children to us for this past school year!  It's been a fantastic year!  Have a wonderful summer and if you need anything please let me know.  You can call the school and I'll get the message!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Last Day of School

Thanks for supporting your children in their Preschool Celebration today!  The children did a marvelous job with their tunes on their recorders and with their songs and finger plays!  By the way, I will be sending home their recorders tomorrow so you'll be able to fully enjoy their talents!  We've had a lot of fun with music this year and it was wonderful to have the children play their own musical instrument!

Tomorrow is our picnic in the park day and we'll be at the Mary Virginia Crites Hannan Park on 188 at 11:00 with lunch at 12:00.  If it rains, then we'll stay at school and eat at school too.  We hope to see you tomorrow-rain or shine!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last Week of School

Please join for our Preschool Celebration on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 1:00.  We'll have a wonderful presentation by the should be a lot of fun!  Afterwards, we'll have refreshments and your scrapbooks will be ready for you to peruse though and take home.  We hope you'll enjoy those for years to come as you can get a glimpse of what the children did at school.

On Thursday, May, 26, we'll be going to the Mary Virginia Crites Hannan Park on 188 for fun and for a cookout.  Please send in your child's permission slip by Tuesday so we'll know how many to cook for.  If you can, please join us for that day as well! We'll go to the park around 11:00 and eat lunch at 12:00.  We'll judge how long to stay there by the weather.  We checked and the Splash Pad won't be turned on yet so we'll bring some water balloons with us if it's hot enough.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Zoo Trip

We're headed to the zoo tomorrow!  My best guess is to wear layers as the weather might change, being in Ohio!  Please remember your lunches and we'll be leaving the school at 9:00 am and returning by 2-2:15.  We won't be serving breakfast since we're leaving so early.  The children are very excited to see as many animals as they can!  We'll do our best to see all of their favorites!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Changes in our Swim and Picnic Plans!

I wanted to let you know that we're unable to swim on our last day of school due to a scheduling conflict.  I am sending home a permission slip today for our picnic in the park on our last day of school, Thursday, May 26.  We'll play at the park and then have a cookout and we'd love for you to join us if you can.  If you have any questions about the picnic please let me know.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Events at Preschool!

We had a lot of fun at preschool this week!  The children enjoyed the girls Logan Elm basketball team coming and playing basketball with us on Monday and they especially enjoyed the red balls they handed out.  It was a flurry of activity in the gym!  Our trip to McDonald's yesterday was rain free so we were able to walk there and back and not get wet!  We had a lot of fun in the tunnels, slides, and the little cars. There's just something fun about eating and playing at McDonald's with friends!

In the classroom we're exploring zoo animals and learning about what animals we might see at the zoo.  We're also learning about animal habitats and where animals live that aren't in the zoo.  We moved in all of our zoo stuffed animals last week and this week we'll move in the veterinarians office.  We'll have appointment books, calendars, phones, medical equipment, and of course, a cash register, so you can pay for the treatment for your animal! The children like to help arrange their play area so I will have all the ingredients to make a veterinarian's office and they can help me set it up and decide where to put the office and the waiting room for instance.  This activity involves a lot of communication and discussion and it's wonderful to see how they share ideas with each other and how they give and take as they set up their new play area.

Dates to Remember:

Thursday, May 19th-Zoo field trip-the children need to have a completely disposable packed lunch. The rain date is Tuesday, May 24.

Wednesday, May 25-Graduation/Preschool Celebration at school at 1:00 with a reception afterwards.  We'd love for you to stay for light refreshments and we'll have your scrapbooks ready for you to take home.

Thursday, May 26-End of the school year swim at the Y and a picnic at the Mary Virginia Crites Park on 188.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

So Much to do...So Little time!!

We have a lot going on in the month of May!  We're starting our zoo animals unit and we'll be looking at land and water animals. This will be a lot of fun as we build up our understanding and knowledge of the animals that we'll visit on May 19th.  Later on this week, we'll open up a veterinarian's office in our play area and bring in all of our zoo stuffed animals.  We'll start off this week learning about elephants and we'll learn a song about how the elephants went out to play on a spider's web one day!  We'll see how large an elephant's tooth is by measuring out ten inches!  Wow, that is very long.  Then we'll measure out the size of a full grown African elephant's ear which is about six feet long and four feet wide!  I wonder how many children we can fit inside an elephant's ear! The children are still enjoying the camping area so we'll leave that up for a few more days.

This week we hope to walk to McDonald's on Thursday and please send in socks with your child so they will be able to play in the Play land.  I'll send home a reminder as well.  We have two more permission slips for this month, besides our McDonald's one this week.  I will send home the zoo permission slip next week and the swim and picnic permission slip in about a week and a half.  Please reserve the date-Wednesday, May 25 as that's when our preschool Red Room will be presenting a short program. We will also give you the scrapbooks that we've been working on all year and share some time to talk over the year over some refreshments.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

McDonald's Field Trip

We will be going to McDonald's for lunch and to play in the play land with our classmates on Thursday, May 12.  We'll have breakfast in the morning and we'll follow our regular schedule until we walk over to McDonald's around 11 in the morning.  We'll order our lunch and eat first and then we'll get to play, play, play.  We did this in the fall and the children had so much fun that we wanted to repeat it plus we have some new classmates that we wanted to share it with!