We have a great line up of Zoo books that we'll be reading this week. We've been talking about what we think we'll see at the zoo and what we want to see at the zoo. When we come back to school on Wednesday we'll write down what we saw and what we thought about it. The children are very excited about going on Tuesday. Then this Thursday, May 17 we'll be swimming for the last time this school year. It's been so wonderful to see the children progress with their swimming skills and just being more comfortable in the water.
We'll also finish up our art projects as we put the finishing touches on everything in preparation for the art show on Saturday. We are also practicing our program for the Preschool Celebration next week on Wednesday, May 23. We have only one more permission slip to sign this school year and that's for permission to go to the Mary Virginia Hannan Crites Park on the last day of school for fun at the park and for a picnic.
It's so hard to believe that we're down to the last two weeks of school....my, oh, my, how the time goes so quickly!