Saturday, March 26, 2011

Past and Future

We finished up this week with a wonderful swimming time at the Y and with learning firsthand about three musical instruments.  Carolyn, one of our wonderful Occupational therapists, took her three daughters out of school for a few periods so that they could play their instruments with us and allow all the children to play them as well!  We learned about the keyboard, the bells, and the flute.  They each explained a little bit about their instrument and then played a few songs.  They were very patient with the children as they took turns playing each instrument.  It was a very musical time and we have many future musicians in our classroom! 

It's so exciting to see the swimming abilities of the children strengthen as the year progresses. Their confidence in the water is increasing as they enjoy themselves and their classmates by 'just playing' in the water!  It's such a great skill for them to possess!

We have started a new discovery unit on Spring, plants, and seeds!  Our onion sets are thriving and our marigolds are growing.  However, our tulips and crocuses aren't growing as well. We'll dig them up on Monday and get out our magnifying glasses and our tools to see if we can determine why they're not growing.  We just planted our own individual lima bean seeds to see how quickly they sprout and to see what that looks like.  We'll use our magnifying glasses to see the different parts of the seed and how they sprout.

Dates to Remember:
I'll also send home a paper with all the dates and events.

Thursday, April 7th-AHA Museum Field Trip-I will send permissions slip home on Monday.  Click here for a link to the AHA Museum in Lancaster.

Wednesday, April 13th- Playing Tball with friends at Pioneer School.

Thursday, April 14th-Swimming at the Y.

Monday, April 18th-Logan Elm Girls Basketball Team will come in and show us some moves and let us play with them!

Tuesday, April 19th-Circleville Key Club sponsors an Egg Hunt with our children.

Thursday, April 21-25th-No School-Spring Break, school resumes on Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 26th-Shawn Brown's SuperFun Show Community Concert for the Young Child at New Hope at 6:30 in the evening and it's free!  He's a wonderful entertainer and his music is sure to make you move and laugh.  If you can make it with your children you won't be disappointed!  Click here for a preview!  

Thursday, April 28th-No Preschool due to staff training for Barb, Gerry, and myself.

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