Thursday, September 15, 2011

Field Trips and a few other things!

     Abby is working on a letter to send home about our field trips for the school year.  Just so you know this is what's happening for the rest of this month:
  • We will be swimming next Thursday on September 22.  You already filled out permission slips in your school packet so we are set to go there.  I will send out a reminder on Wednesday to be sure to pack suits and towels.
  •  We will walk to McDonald's on Thursday, September 29 and have lunch there and play in the play land.I will send out permissions slips on Monday.
We are continuing to work on the initial letters of our names so that the children can begin to recognize their names and the names of their friends.  Today we will be cutting out pictures from magazines that start with the initial letters of our names.  We made a big poster size letter for each of these letters:  B, E, J, L, T, and X.  The children will glue their pictures to it and in that way we'll start learning the initial sounds of a variety of words.

We made goop this week which consists of cornstarch and water.  Just add a little water at a time and see what happens.  It's a great mixture to play around with.  You can shape it into a ball and it retains its shape for a few seconds and then it turns to liquid's a great sensory activity that you can do while you're cooking in the kitchen.  You can get out another bowl and let your children play in goop while you talk and cook!.  We're also learning about healthy eating while we're cutting up our watermelon and cantaloupe this week.

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