Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Winter Environment

This week we will continue learning about colors, animals in winter and how they react to their environment.  With what we learned about last week while reading, the children wanted to make some bird feeders to set outside our window.  I found some resources to share with our children on different options that we can make to help out our feathered friends although it's been a very mild winter to say the least!

This week we'll explore more sensory materials such as shaving cream and popcorn in our sensory table.  We still have some Jell-o left from last week so we'll use that one day too.  We're also going to fill water containers and freeze them at the end of this week so we can have ice races in the gym next week after the children come back to school after Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  Ice races are always a lot of fun and we'll do some science experiments after we hold our ice race to determine the best materials to use to melt the ice.

This week we'll do science experiments with baking soda and vinegar and see what happens when we combine those two and then we'll add some food coloring and see how that changes things.....we'll observe and make some predictions of what we think will occur.  We'll continue to read more about animals in winter and winter in general.

Dates to remember:
Monday, January 9-Bookmobile

Monday, January 16-No School due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Thursday, January 19-World of Bounce Field Trip

Thursday, January 26-Swimming at the YMCA

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