Saturday, January 5, 2013

Daily Schedule for 2013

 Schedule for the Red Room Preschool Class
This is our updated schedule for the new year. As always, if you have any questions please call me at 474.1124 ext. 120 or you’re always welcome to email me at
8:30 In class – get children off the bus, Circleville Bus, or the PICCA van and bring to classroom.    
Bathroom –bathroom needs are taken care of at this time. 
Free Play-they can play until morning welcome.  We pick jobs for the week on Mondays.          
Clean up-when all the children have been to the bathroom we clean up play area.             
8:50 Morning Welcome- we gather on the carpet, sitting on the floor, and we do the Welcome Song and give hugs.      
9:00 Breakfast-we go up to the cafeteria for breakfast. We are eating family style where the children serve themselves as we pass the bowls and platters around the table.                
9:30 Gym/Walk/Sensory Room-this gives us a chance to run and play.                                                                             
10:10-10:30 Scooby Doo Club and Busy Bee Club meet and then we all regroup in the Red Room.  On some days we play longer in the gym or the sensory room depending on our activities that day.
Bathroom – bathroom needs are taken care of at this time.                
Play-we have free play and we open up several centers such as the fix-it and repair shop, the computer, the iPad, small reading groups, and the listening center.                          
Clean-up-we all help clean-up the play area.
11:40 Music- we sing, dance, play musical instruments, and play musical chairs.
Wash Hands-we wash our hands in the classroom before lunch.         
12:00 Lunch-we have lunch in the cafeteria.  We are eating family style where the children serve themselves as we pass the bowls and platters around the table.                                       
12:30 Video/Free Play- the children can choose between watching a video or playing and they can freely go back and forth while we take the children to the bathroom and we take turns brushing teeth.                          
1:00 Nap-some children take a nap.
1:00 Green Room/ Scooby Doo Club and the Busy Bee Club/Red Room- The green room offers a variety of activities for the children to play with. In the green room we have our library, toys, the touch screen computer, crayons, paper, and all of our games. Scooby Doo and Busy Bee Club-some afternoons our clubs meet at this time.
Red Room-some afternoons we’ll stay in our room depending on the activities of the day.
Clean-up- we clean up the green room or our classroom.                           
Bathroom-bathroom needs are taken care of at this time.         
2:00 Snack –we have a snack at our table in the classroom.                              
We sing our good-bye song and dismiss the children to get ready to go home.
2:30 Home-we put on coats and gather backpacks and get on buses, go with parents or ride PICCA vans home.                             

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